Call for Submissions
Submissions for Issue I: ‘Be/Longing’ now closed!
Please read before submitting
Submission Guidelines
Theme: Be/Longing
“A generous heart is always open, always ready to receive our going and coming. In the midst of such love we need never fear abandonment. This is the most precious gift true love offers - the experience of knowing we always belong.” - Bell Hooks, “All About Love: New Visions”
For our first edition we could not help but start by deconstructing the word belonging. A word so intrinsic to our sense of identity, love, and place in the world - it made sense to us that this is the first conversation we wanted to have with you. We invite you to reflect with us on belonging (or the lack thereof) but also on what it means to be and what it means to be longing.
Main Requirements
18+ years old
Open to everyone linked to a diaspora worldwide, and have multifaceted identities
Unpublished pieces (personal blogs are an exception)
Can submit multiple pieces at once
Simultaneous submissions to other magazines are welcome, but inform us as soon as possible if accepted elsewhere
Submissions should be English (Other languages are welcome if translation is provided)
What We Accept
Fiction – short stories or standalone novel excerpts (no longer than 5000 words)
Creative/Narrative nonfiction – essays, memoirs, travel literature and interviews (no longer than 5000 words)
Poetry (up to three poems) per person
Flash Fiction (no longer than 750 words)
Art including photography, comics and illustrations: At least two and accompanied with text (please explain your work in one to three sentences or provide a brief teaser)
Submission Requirements
Online written submissions must be in a single file in .doc, .docx, or PDF format. (except in cases of images/illustration)
For images and illustrations, please attach high resolution jpeg files with an ideal max file size of 10MB but no more than 100MB
Your submission title must be in the following format: YourSurname_SubmissionTitle
You must include a cover letter with your submission on the first page with the title of the piece, its category, word count, your name, contact details, website/social media links, and a 50-word bio
Fiction must be double-spaced. Indicate stanza breaks in poetry. If submitting more than one poem, begin each poem on a new page.
Include page numbers on prose or multi-page poems.
Review process
We consider all submissions and we aim to respond within four weeks. We are not in the position to give individual feedback but please bear in mind that some stories may be well written, yet still unsuitable for WAYF Journal or may not fit with the theme of the current issue. We hope this does not deter you from submitting to future editions. We always look forward to receiving your work.
We currently do not offer any compensation for submission as we are currently self-funded, but we hope to bring you the fortune of readership. We plan to pay contributors for subsequent editions in the future.
Fine Print
Writers retain full rights to their work post-publication. If you would like to republish your story elsewhere, please make sure that WAYF Journal is credited and linked to as the original publisher.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us here. If you don’t have any questions, what are you waiting for? Submit below!
Before making your submission, please check:
Your spelling, punctuation, spacing, and all other formatting.
You have included your name and social media handles, website, or relevant links.
You have not exceeded the word count in your category
How to Submit
“In becoming forcibly and essentially aware of my mortality, and of what I wished and wanted for my life, however short it might be, priorities and omissions became strongly etched in a merciless light and what I most regretted were my silences. Of what had I ever been afraid?”
— Audre Lorde, The Cancer Journals